
Every chair is tailor made to fit you.

With over 30 years of experience crafting chairs, we truly understand the person centred approach to seating. Being fully supported enables you to relax as well as perform daily tasks. By eliminating slumping or perching and feeling your feet are safely ‘anchored’ to the floor gives you confidence to get up and about as well as security when seated - peace of mind every day


Keep Active

The first of its kind ‘sit to stand’ chair that supports long term mobility.

Replicating the biomechanics of an assisted stand to get you up safely, weight bearing through the legs helping to maintain healthy joints and function.


Sit right
every time

The unique design correctly positions you to the back of the chair.


Confidence to stand up

Of the many chairs widely available today, some raise up but do have a tendency to tip you out, which can lead to a real fear of falling. The Standing chair radical design replicates how we stand - lifting up from the bottom, maintaining forward eye contact and actively engaging in the standing process. Ideal for those who are ambulant or semi-ambulant, working to maintain or recover movement.  The gentle powered motion is managed through single button function or handset. Move at your own pace, stopping as you need, but enabling you to get on your feet safely and securely, through a natural standing action.  Unique seat construction eliminates damaging friction to the backs of thighs getting up and sitting down. Built in pressure, postural support and tilt in space is our standard.

The Standing Chair supports the benefits of standing
  • Keeps the ‘nose over toes’ action
  • Helps keep the body aligned - Head, trunk and pelvis
  • Supports upper body to enable good respiration and optimum body function
  • Promotes activity
  • Positive therapy support - encouraging continued movement, daily exercise, weight bearing and supported standing
Each & every chair, tailor
made for a perfect fit

Our standard is ‘perfection’ - using our base frame sizes, we create bespoke standing chairs for each client.

Tilt in space,

Pressure and

Postural support

as standard

Standard Standing Chair Features:

  • Integral seated postural support
  • Day long comfort with built in pressure management
  • Secure and supported upright or reclining with tilt in space functionality
  • Simple function operation - enabling even those with limited cognitive skills such as Dementia or Parkinsons
  • Leg and back support are independently adjustable. Built in auto reset function reconfigures to optimum standing or sitting position without need to use handset.
  • Back up power pack for guaranteed
  • peace of mind. During a power failure, the chair will continue to operate up to 10 times and will emit an audible alarm when the battery gets low.

Dual controls:

  • Simple sit to stand operation, with built in auto reset, can be fitted either side
  • Separate handset for finer adjustments

Contact us for an assessment or download the order form